How to Play Poker Like Phil Ivey


Poker is a card game that requires many skills to be successful. It’s important to have discipline and perseverance to stick with the game for a long time, and to practice proper bankroll management and game selection. In addition, you should focus on developing quick instincts and committing to a solid strategy. You should also pay attention to the physical side of poker, including focusing on your stamina to ensure you can play for hours without getting tired or distracted.

A good poker player understands that they will win some and lose some, and must be able to remain calm after bad beats. Watch videos of Phil Ivey taking bad beats, and you’ll see that he doesn’t get emotional about losing a big hand — this is an essential skill for poker players.

Another key aspect of poker is reading the other players. This can be done by observing their body language and noticing any tells they might have, like fiddling with chips or scratching their nose. Observing their betting behavior can be helpful as well. For example, if someone frequently calls and then suddenly makes a huge raise, they are probably holding a very strong hand.

You must also know the basic rules of poker, such as what hands beat what. This information can be easily learned by studying charts or even playing a few hands online. A flush beats a straight, three of a kind beats two pair, and so on. The highest ranked hand wins the pot, which is all the money that’s been bet during the hand.