Learn the Basics of Poker


There are many online courses available to help you learn poker. These are typically delivered in video format with an instructor explaining the rules of poker and running through sample hands. These courses can be free or paid, depending on the provider.

It is also recommended to find local game groups and join them to play for fun and practice your skills in a social environment. The more you play poker, the quicker your instincts will develop. This will allow you to make quick decisions based on the situation and other players’ behavior.

Once you have mastered the basics of poker and can hold your own against semi-competent players, it is time to begin learning more advanced concepts. The key to this is paying attention to your opponents and reading them. The majority of poker reads are not subtle physical tells, but rather patterns. For example, if someone is folding early then it is likely they are only playing very strong cards. Conversely, if a player bets often then it is likely they are playing weaker hands and can be bluffed into raising their bets.

When it is your turn, if you have a strong hand, bet to force other players out of the pot. However, if your hand is weak or you have a bad draw, then fold. It is rude to stay in a hand when it is clearly losing.