What Is the Job of a Casino Employee?


A casino is a place where people can gamble with money. Besides offering gambling, casinos usually have restaurants, hotels and non-gambling game rooms. They also have a lot of security equipment, including cameras and monitors to watch the gambling floor, paper shredders to keep customer records secure and much more.

Gambling is a popular pastime, and casinos make millions of dollars each year from the people who gamble. But how do casinos work, and what is the job of a casino employee?

There are many jobs in a casino, from table dealers to managers to pit bosses. Each one has a different responsibilities, but they all share the same goal: to protect the casino from cheating and other security concerns. Casino employees watch patrons’ actions and reactions to look for blatant cheating like palming, marking cards or switching dice. They also notice betting patterns that could indicate someone is trying to manipulate the games.

Another important job of a casino employee is to give out “comps,” or complimentary items, to good gamblers. In the past, Las Vegas casinos were famous for giving out free hotel rooms, meals and tickets to shows to “big spenders.” This was done to encourage gamblers to continue spending, bringing in more revenue.

Nowadays, casinos are a little more choosy about who they reward with comps. They tend to focus on high rollers, who gamble with tens of thousands of dollars or more. These gamblers are rewarded with special rooms, luxury suites and other amenities to keep them gambling.